Monday 8 August 2011

In Bruges...

Turned out the last day in France was the longest ride of the trip so far...and probably will be since Belgium is VERY FLAT AND FUN TO RIDE IN!!  130km from the last stop in France (just south of Cap Blanc Nez) all the way to Bruges.  Hardest climb of the trip as well...right in the morning...after 3 pan aux chocolate's cause they were on sale at the bakery.  Got lots of honks and nods from guys on motorbikes on the way up...thanks guys.

This was a little terrifying.  Crossing the Pont Normandie right after
Honfleur....there was a bike lane...but it was right next to the road with HUGE
ASS TRUCKS passing me really really fast!

After 3 other full campsites...this one was able to squeeze me in next to a
couple of trailers.  Was actually a great place, helped some dutch people
out with some duct tape to fix their sleeping pad.  Hung out with a few
French folks listening to St Germain...that took me back!

Waiting out the rain....

This place was pretty funny, used to be an old hostel where rooms were
5 French Francs and coffes were 50...cents?  Too bad it's been closed for a

Last campsite in France...right next to the Batterie Todt...or Battery of death.
No joke, that's what the architect's name was.  Pretty impressive original
stuff in here.
Biggest climb off there in the distance.

I can already taste the beer!

The bike lanes in Belgium are incredible.  No matter what road you are on
there is always a separate section for bikes.  Whether it's a highway
or just a regional's pretty fantastic!

There's lots to do in Bruges....


First dinner in Belgium.  The ONLY 'veggie' fries in Bruges (fried in vegetable
oil), hazelnut burger and 5 really good beers.  Turned out to be a fun ride
back to the campsite.

The only brewery left within the city walls...De Halve Maan.  They've got an
unfiltered blonde, a nice Belgian tripel @ 9% and a Quadrupel dubbel @ 11%.
What a great afternoon...had to follow with some food since I hadn't had any
breakfast yet...

This worked out to be perfect after stumbling through Bruges at 5:00pm.
Apparently there's a rivalry between these two chip vendors.  I tried both,
with mayo on each, and I would say go with the one on the right.  I
have no idea what it's called cause I was a little bit drunk. 

Then I had to try another Tripel at this place down an alley.  At my surprise,
they served me some cheese with the beer...which was GREAT!  One of the
best Tripel's I've had in my life I think...but I was still a little drunk at this point.

Heading back to the campsite.

1 comment:

  1. Drunken fry rivalries... sounds like a beautiful vacation Paddy!
